Thursday, July 9, 2009

Batter Up!

Here the family tries their hand at Baseball. Lisa shows us all what a great player she has always been. It was great fun to watch.

Hanging Out With the Family

We all had a great time getting to know eachother again.

Riving Rats

This water is WAY to Cold!

The Sink Family and a few of the other kids enjoy hanging in the freezing cold river. Jim shows great form here. No one else could match his bravery.

Badminton Tournament

Rachel was a tough contender. Here she is trying to intimidate her opponent!

Go Gina! Gina a Dave showed great composure even with Rachel spiking on them.

We had to take a break from the tounament when the clouds decided to explode in rain and hail.

Camping Pine Valley Style

Pine Valley was a huge success this summer. We had a great time with the entire family. We are only sorry that Angela and Chad and Eli and the boys were unable to attend. Maybe next time!