Friday, July 11, 2008

We call him "Stiff Man". He was suppose to be immitating some'll have to guess.
Rachel tried to hold it but when she it the water she had an accident. Rach your getting a little to old for that.
Corey shocked me with his brave dives, I think he needs to work on straightening his legs though.
Rachel has great form on this creative jump off the diving board.
Swimming was great fun although I am not smiling. Mom took the picture without telling me...maybe I ought to smile more often just incase someone snaps a picture of me again.

When I arrived, we were able to hang out with Rich and Lynne for a bit but soon they were off to St. George for Heathers volleyball (go Heather) so most of our time we spent with Mom and Dad, Rachel and her boyfriend Jim, Jessica, Dan and cutie Jacob. I really enjoyed sitting around with Mom and Dad for the week. Cooking with mom and walking around the mall with dad. Thanks guys. Here's a few pictures I took. I especially like the ones in the swimming pool.

California meets Utah 2008

Well, Corey had a great visit this summer in utah. He loved the fishing, the basketball (beating Uncle Rich in horse), the ping-pong and swimming. But most of all he loved just being with you all. He loves you guys so much.