This weekend we all set out for our annual Golf trip to Palm Springs. It was only 114 degrees!!! Even with the extreme heat we had a wonderful time.

Here is the view from our room. We all could walk out to a par 3 and practice daily. We all entered a closest to the hole contest on this hole and Corey won!!! He was so happy. He won a free 4some for all of us to go play later. Come down and we can use it then.

Here Corey is wipeing his forehead because he is soooo hot.

Her is my Cholo husband preparing to hit the ball. Notice the lack of movement in the hips, Age is stiffening our bones.

Of course, here is the best picture of all. Believe me when I say I hit a hole in one!! Ha Ha, hopefully on this shot I didnt hit a tree or put it in the lake again. Eli and I tied for the most balls to hit a tree....7 and also the most balls in the water. I wont go into how many is very sad.

Here Corey is aiming to get on the green in two strokes...yes...he made it.
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